After learning that I'm an artist, I'm often asked "what medium?" Although I'm able to work in many, my response is "bronze sculpture". But why? First, it's in my blood. I grew up around it, it's what my father taught me. Do I feel bound to it? Not at all. I actually truly enjoy it. I worked from age 12 in and around the foundry and have a keen appreciation for what is involved the creation of bronze sculpture. Bronze offers such an array of possibilities. A big commission monument or a small delicate sculpture, patinas that look like marble, stone or wood. There's so much it can do, I doubt my love for it will waiver anytime soon. As a sculptor I am curious about other options, but they don't forgive like clay or wax. You make a mistake on a marble piece and that's it. "Agility", shown here is one of my first pieces cast into bronze. This horse sculpture, or rather a stallion, is more a contemporary style emerging from its base and shows a little of what's possible with bronze.