In a previous post I showed pictures of my children's "sculptures". Being around it this much, how could they not give it a try. They mess around with clay, but mostly when with us at the studio they find other age-appropriate things to do (i-pods and Wii). Today was a little different. I was in a back part of the studio and my son began to ask serious questions about how a bronze sculpture is made. He genuinely wanted to know. So that started a tour of the studio where we have the capability to do almost everything except actually pour bronze. We try to let the kids find their own likes and interests. We don't force feed them. If art, bronze sculpture, actually becoming a sculptor / artist in any medium is the path my son pursues, great. If not, I'm fine with that too. But the fact that he came with real intent and wanted to know more made me feel a sense of satisfaction. Maybe a little of what my dad has felt of the years as he's watched my talents develop.