Luckily the collector who commissioned the elk sculpture isn't in any rush or put a deadline on me. However, sometimes clients need their sculpture cast in bronze and finished by a certain date and you feel the pinch. Pressure can dampen the creative juices. So if the client didn't put a deadline on this, why do I feel it? Well, we are having a family reunion in a couple weeks. My sister and her family from out of state are taking this for me to the foundry near where they live. This saves the cost of shipping as well as better treatment during transit...hopefully, and it will be in a A/C cooled mini-van instead of a hot semi on the open highway. I realize the deadline is self imposed and I could avoid it, but I'll use it as a motivator. Truth be told, I need a motivator. For some reason I've yet to figure out, this elk sculpture has been a pain in my side. The details are coming, yet it remains a frustration to me. The antlers need to be donesoon and are extremely important. They scare me.