This picture is a humorous mesh of two large sculptures in Denver. The bear is outside a building downtown, literally pushing up against the wall and the horse is near the entrance to the airport. When I saw the picture it got me thinking about large public art, those public sculptures that are commissioned by cities and other government entities. Too often I don't like them. Many other people here in Denver question the "demon" horse and why it's there, stating that it's hideous and wonder why time and money was spent creating it. The bear is what it is. I'm not against contemporary art, as long as it's interesting and worthwhile. I've also seen plenty of representational public art that isn't executed well. It's been my experience that too often an artist knows someone with "power" and finds a leg in with projects. Sadly this helps some less-than-quality art to find it's way into our parks and open areas. I'm not arrogantly petitioning to be "the" sculptor for every project. I enjoy diversity and variance. However I do wish that GOOD art would be selected and installed. Yes, "good" is in the eye of the beholder, but too often there is clearly some bad sculpture being placed in public and it is a waste of funds. All of this bothers me as an artist, as a tax paying citizen and viewer.