Often I'm asked "how long does it take to sculpt something?" The answer is I don't know. Sometimes it's quick and other's take years. Here is an owl sketch I just did. It's about an hours worth of work. I'm not sure if I'll continue to work on it, but I wanted to see how it would look and so here it is. From here I can determine if my time is worth it to finish this piece or "melt" it down and start on something else. Owls are beautiful creatures, especially Great Horned Owls. A pair of them live outside the studio. During the short days in fall, around the end of October, I can hear the pair hooing to each other. They are quiet, skilled predators and much bigger than I expected. I've gotten close to a baby that I once ran into as it sat in a low branch outside the studio. Even with my affection for them, I'm not sure if this sketch will become a completed bronze sculpture. Just like artists use pencil and paper to play with ideas, I do the same but with clay.